In System Programming (ISP) for ATMEL chips

With this isp-programmer you can program 89s51, 89s52 and 89s8253 from a PC via the USB port.
For the USB interface an Arduino Diecimila is used.
The interface from Arduino to the 89sxx processor is SPI (Serial Programming Interface)

The hardware

Wirering between Arduino and the Atmel processor

The software

The software consists of 2 parts, one part of the PC and the other part of the Arduino

The PC software is written in c++, using Codeblocks and Wxwidgets
It is compiled for linux ubuntu platform.
C++, Codeblocks and wxwidgets are multiplatforms, so with some minor changes, it can run on windows and mac as well.

Download the PC source code

The Arduino softeware is written in c++, using the Arduino IDE

Download the arduino source code


Menu File:
Load:Load a .hex file, or a .bin file (dumpfile)
Show logfile:For debugging
Show loaded file:Shows the loaded file, as hex numbers
Quit:Quit the program

Menu Flash:
Verify:Compare the loaded file with the flash content
Write:Write the loaded file to the flash
Dump to file:Dump the content of the flash to a file
Show:Show the content of the flash on screen
Erase:Erase flash

Menu Lock:
Mode 2:Lock the flash in mode 2
Mode 3:Lock the flash in mode 3
Mode 4:Lock the flash in mode 4

MMenu Help:

Detect USB ports:Detect the USB port(s) for Arduino
if more than one USB port, you can select from the dropdown field
Detect chip:Detect the chip type, connected to the isprogrammer
x-button at the
end of the progressbar:
Abort running job

Progress bar - Shows the progress while writing to flash and verifyring.


IDE to create programs for atmel processors: mcu8051ide

Atmel processor data sheeds:

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